الموضوع: Quran is the message for Humans and Jin, and contains all of the keys of the unseen, including major important events from the start to the end...

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  1. افتراضي Quran is the message for Humans and Jin, and contains all of the keys of the unseen, including major important events from the start to the end...

    Translator notes:
    Hadith: A story or a telling about the messenger of Allah Mohammad (PBUH), and does not have to be true.
    Fitna: Temptation & seduction to follow what is false and wrong.
    Sunna: the doings & deeds of the messenger of Allah Mohammad (PBUH), which we should follow.
    Quran is the message for Humans and Jin, and contains all of the keys of the unseen, including major important events from the start to the end...
    Imam Nasser Mohammad Al Yamani…
    23rd Apr 2005, 04:33 AM
    In the name of Allah the most merciful, and peace upon the messengers and Praise be to Allah...
    Therefor give good tidings to my worshippers (17) who hear the words and follow the best thereof. Those are whom Allah guided, and those are men of understanding. (18)}
    Almighty Allah [Al Zumar]

    So take it slow, take it slow, and the human calves hasty in judgment and that is the one with short vision, without thinking and without knowledge nor logic, and I do not argue you with vague words but with the Great Quran and the science and logic, concluding truths from this Great Qur'an which they have taken abandoned, which is the catalog of the creations of Allah who has made everything in its best creation possible. And almighty Allah said:
    {And we have brought them a book which we expounded with knowledge, a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe. (52) Do they look for its explanation? On the day when the fulfilment (of the explanation) comes, those who forgot it before will say: The messengers of our Lord did bring the Truth!}
    Almighty Allah [Al A’raf:52 -53]
    And Allah Almighty said: {And We appoint the night and the day two portents. Then we make dark the portent of the night, and we make the portent of the day sight-giving, that ye may seek bounty from your Lord, and that ye may know the computation of the years, and the reckoning; and everything have we expounded with a clear expounding. (12)}
    Almighty Allah [Isra: 12]

    But unfortunately , many of the Muslims attention became with the sounds when reciting the book and on how to pronounce letters without knowing the meaning of the pronunciation of the words of the Quran, same as the one who croaks what he can’t hear, like the one carries what he does not understand, like the donkey carrying books and do not understand what he carries on his back, and Allah has made the Holy Qur'an as the great encyclopedia, in it you find your news and the news of what came before you and after you, and the Torah did not have the news of the first centuries, and Pharaoh said to Moses, what about the first centuries, and he replied: the knowledge of them is with my Lord in a book, my lord does not go astray and do not forget. And the almighty said in the Qur'an:
    {Or have they taken other gods beside Him? say: Bring your proof (of their godhead). This is the Reminder of those with me and those before me, but most of them know not the Truth and so they are averse. (24)}
    Almighty Allah [Al Anbya’: 24]
    Therefor the Quran is the book which collects all of the heavenly books revealed by Allah to mankind and the Jinn and Allah made it a comprehensive book, and the Messenger who carried it a comprehensive Messenger for all mankind and jinn , and when the jinn heard the Quran they said : Verily we heard the most incredible Quran that guides to good deeds and we have believed in it and will not take with our Lord any partners, therefor the Quran is a comprehensive message to mankind and jinn, and contains all of the keys of the unseen, including major important events from the start to the end, and if I tell you all of the what I have of knowledge you will all scream at me the scream of one man: "We have not heard this before, this is nothing but fabrication ." That is because the Qur'an began as something strange when it was revealed and will go back to being strange in its interpretation.
    Dear brothers I do not tell you that I am a prophet or a messenger, but Allah gave me more knowledge, and I know from Allah what you don’t know, and I will fight the people with this Quran a big jihad (fight), by dialogue, with science and logic that is in the true reality, and you shouldn’t believe me unless I bring to you the clear proof from this Holy Qur'an, and I have a condition that the Quran be the judge between us, and what is better than the judgment of Allah? And whose words are truer than Allah’s word? And who’s speech is truer than Allah’s speech? In which words do you believe after Allah’s words? And the almighty said:
    {In what statement, after this, will they believe?}
    Almighty Allah [Al Mursalat (50)]

    And If I tell you that Muslims disbelieved this Quran great because they fell in Fitna of the Antichrist, except for the ones my Lord had mercy upon them, further more unfortunately they have strayed from the clear verses which Allah made ​​them in the Quran verses that are most clear and needs no interpretation, and no one leaves them except the astray (who’s destiny is hell), verses that are understandable to every Arabic tongue, and I swear by Almighty Allah that they are clear as the sun in the sky at the afternoon, and these words of mine might surprise some of you who’ll say: how come Muslims astray from the clear verses that Allah made their appearance same as its essence, clear to the scholar & to the ignorant, no one leaves them except the astray (who’s destiny is hell)? But this is the truth , O my Muslim brothers, the Jews have made you fall in Fitna of the Antichrist, so you became unbelievers after you believed, except for the ones my Lord had mercy upon them, and what is left of the Islam is its name and what is left of the Quran is only its drawing between your hands, and I want to ask a question to all those who have a heart or is listening as a witness, Do you think that if a Hadith came to us, a hadith that is passed by all Hadith tellers, except it varies from the Quran in content and in details, Do you see the belief in that hadith as a duty despite its disagreement with all the clear verses in the clear Arabic Quran? One of those who studied the science of Hadith may say: "This hadith came through the people who are trustworthy, do you deny the Sunna of the Messenger of Allah, and you are nothing but one of the Qurani people (Quranis Are a party who don’t believe in all hadith and only believe the Quran *Translator)."
    And may Allah forbid me that I be one of those who differentiate between Allah and His Messenger (commands), but I disbelieve in the Hadith that came from Satan, Hadith that was not spoken by the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and his family, and I grasp the most trustworthy handhold which will never break, and cannot be twisted by the devil and his heirs, the Saved book until the Day of Judgment, and the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family - did not order Muslims to believe what passed of Hadith, no matter how trustworthy are the narrators, but he ordered to connect his Hadith with the saved Quran, and he said:
    [What is similar to the Quran is from me]
    The Messenger of Allah
    Because he should not say a contrary words to Allah’s words, and for your information , I don’t argue all Hadith but I argue the Hadith that in controverts with this Qur'an in content and meaning, and I knew that what agrees with the Quran came from the Messenger of Allah, and the belief of those is a duty, and every Muslim that believes in Allah and his Messenger must believe in them, and I do not belong to any party of all Muslims, and I did not study on the hands any one of them ever, but I grasp in what the Messenger of Allah and those who were with him grasped, and then I look at the Hadith that is told about the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family – and I do not say this is a weak hadith nor this is a strong Hadith from people who are trustworthy, I do not complement any of them over Allah, how should I know what they were doing? But what agrees with this Great Quran I’ll take, and if the truth followed their wanting it would have spoiled the skies and the earth, and if you follow most of those in earth they would stray you, and I do not say Allah was pleased with someone, how can I know what is in Allah’s self that he was pleased with him? But I say may Allah be pleased with you that is a good prayer, but to say that Allah was pleased with someone that is a judgment without proof that Allah is pleased with him, and I mustn’t say about Allah what I don’t know to be true, and that does not mean that I think those people are evil thought, but I avoid the evil speculation, and I speculate good in them, but I will not stand witness and certify that they were righteous who Allah is pleased with them, that is disobeying to the command of Allah in the Quran, does anyone know their piety but their Creator? , how shall I then commend testimony and I do not know what lays inside creature’s self nor what is inside the self of the creator, but indeed the deeds are judged by intentions, and each man gets what he intended, and who knows the intentions of human beings except their creator? and if what is in the graves was scattered out, and what was in the chests was retrieved, then their Lord that day is the expert of what is inside them, and Allah alone is the one who knows the piety of his worshippers, which means that people should not testify for other people that they are righteous, and if asked about the piety of someone else, they should testify as the testament of the women about Joseph: “may Allah forbid, we did not know any wrongful deeds about him.”, and the witness should not say after that: "However, I have heard people say he did wrongful deeds" Here it will become a catastrophe if the person is innocent of what was said by the people about him, then I’ve been involved in publishing and advertising and took my share of sin, and the one who took such a large sin is promised great agony, and if there were no one between people who spreads what they heard, then those who testify with false and wrong would not be able to harm the believers men and women, and the Muslim might say about his brothers honor some words, thinking it is simple words, but it is considered a great error by Allah, and those words will drop him in hue of fires of hell, while he did not know that Allah is angry with him after satisfaction, so the man loses his future with his Lord, because of a simple word he said about his Muslim brother Honor, and says: " I hear people say about that man so and so and such and such, and Allah did not make me a witness upon this man, but I heard people say that," and the teller thinks he will not be blamed by saying , “and Allah did not make me a witness upon this man” because he has participated with the witnesses of the false, and in publishing and advertising, and received the share of the sin that he can’t stand, a sin that will through him in the fires of hell, as for the founder hath great torment in the lowest place of hell, and the Muslim may come to Allah with prayer and zakat, fasting and all that Allah had commanded him to do, however, if he heard the bad words about someone speaks of it to others, thinking that he did not commit the sin, and that his words are small, but to Allah it is a great sin, when you say with your tongues what you do not know to be true, thinking it is a small word to Allah, but it is a great sin to Allah, so the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him and his family, said: and what does throw people in the fires of hell except the harvest of their tongues. But I do not say Allah is pleased with someone, then here I have violated Allah's command and described a good testimony as if I know what lays inside the person’s self and in the self of Allah, when I say that Allah is pleased with someone, and the almighty said:
    {And He is best aware of you (from the time) when He created you from the earth, and when ye were hidden in the bellies of your mothers. Therefor ascribe not purity unto yourselves. He is best aware of him who warded off (evil). (32)}
    Almighty Allah [Al Najm: 32]
    The meaning of the words “ascribe not purity unto yourselves” is not to attribute purity to one another he best knows who is fearing, and if we look at the words of Noah, when his people said to him:
    {They said: Shall we put faith in thee, when the lowest (of the people) follow thee? (111) He said: And what knowledge have I of what they may have been doing (in the past)? (112) Lo! Their reckoning is my Lord's concern, if ye but knew; (113) And I am not (here) to repulse believers. (114) I am only a plain warner. (115)}
    Almighty Allah [Al Shuara]

    These are the words of a prophet who did not attribute purity to his companions, saying: {And what knowledge have I of what they may have been doing (in the past)? 112 Lo! Their reckoning is my Lord's concern, if ye but knew; (113)}. Despite that he is a Prophet and his followers lived with him, and still he did not attribute purity to them but left the knowing of their selves to the one who knows what the eyes hide and what is inside the chests, their Lord that day is the expert in them, but Muslims today attribute purity to people who they did not live with or know, and between them hundreds of years, and one of them will stick to hadith that came through people who he considers as trustworthy, and he will argue me with it a long argument, even if I extracted to him one thousand verse from the Quran that differ from this hadith altogether, and he will refuse to admit that this Hadith is fabricated about the Messenger of Allah - may Allah bless him and his family - because the narrators are trustworthy, O Allah almighty! He believed Hadith of the trustworthy and disbelieved the word of Allah, while the truest words are the words of Allah!! And I wish he would say that I am wrong about the explanation of the verse, and that interpretation is not what I say, because he can’t, because I did not argue him with unclear verses but with the clear solid verses, which do not need any explanation and are clear truth, and what is beyond the truth but delusion?
    And I apologize I have took long while I’m still in the introduction about the causes of the strife of the Antichrist, which Muslims fell in and believed the Hadith of the Fitna of the Antichrist, which turned the Quran upside down, and Muslims now see the right as void and the void as right, and I can bring a thousand proof from the Quran about the Fitna of the Antichrist that varies with those Hadith of Fitna, and the difference between them is the same as the difference between light and darkness, and how deep is that darkness!! Even more the difference between them is like the difference between the light of the sun while it is in the midst of the sky, and the darkness in a vast deep sea fraught with waves topped by waves topped by shadowed clouds over each other.
    For your information I do not argue by analogy, making Ramadan in Sha’ban, but I argue with a verse in the same subject in the clear verses, and before sailing in strife of the Antichrist I will ask a question to the people of science and logic:
    Does Allah Almighty support the devils and their heirs with his signs and miracles and proof of its ability, those who are the enemies of him who call people to disbelief and polytheism, and then support them with Allah's miracles of his ability against himself and against the word of monotheism, and to stray the followers of the word of monotheism, or that Allah is pleased with the of the disbelief of his worshippers, and for Muslims to believe the falsehood about Allah and His Messenger, that Allah supports the Antichrist with the kingdom of the skies and the earth, and that he says to the sky rain and it rains, and say to the earth grow and it grows, and the he cuts a man into two halves and pass between the two halves then bring him back to life after death { and falsehood will not create nor restore(49)} Almighty Allah [ Saba’] ?

    And I am ready to prove with one million proofs from the Quran that Allah does not bring his miracles in favor of anyone but his messengers and prophets and his heirs, confirming their calling to people to the word of monotheism, and who disbelieved the messengers after Allah supported them with miracles will be punished by Allah with torment that will never be upon anyone else in the worlds.

    So I ask you, and Allah is the witness, O people of science and logic, if Allah was to support the devils with miracles, so we believe in their calling, then supported the prophets with miracles, so we believe their calling, then how the people should tell the difference between the right and wrong? What superstitions and what lies that was written by Jews and Muslims believed? And I swear to Allah who’s there no god but him, if someone asks the donkey: "O donkey Did you know that at the end of time comes an enemy of Allah that says he is Allah and the son of Allah, and then he is supported by Allah's miracles so he would be believed by the people in what he claims as a Fitna for people" then the donkey would have answered –and he is a donkey! - : “I swear to Allah, if Allah did so then we are no longer responsible in front of Allah if we believed him, “and then the donkey would say: "Allah is not mad .. Almighty to support the wrongful with his miracles in order to believe its calling, and also support the calling of truth at the same time."

    How far the Jews made fun of your minds O Muslims! You have fallen in the strife of the Antichrist until they made you disbelievers after you believed.
    O people of Islam, where did your sight and hearts and hearing go, how do you believe what has not one proof in the Quran? Not even a word, not even one letter in the Holy Qur'an, didn’t Allah forbid you to follow what controverts with the Quran? Didn’t Allah say: {do not follow what you do not know; the hearing, sight, and hearts all of these, shall be questioned about that (36)} [Isra’: 36]?

    So where did your sight go that you believe Hadith that violates what Allah revealed in the Qur'an, in meaning and content, until it became a general belief among Muslims? It even became the most known thing to their scholars and ignorant the news of the Fitna of the Antichrist! If you ask a shepherds about the pillars of Islam would have said I do not know how many are there, and then ask him about the sedition of the Antichrist he would list them one after the other, that’s because the Hadith of the Fitna is more famous, told by Muslims young and old, except for the ones who are in Allah’s mercy, until their beliefs’ became corrupted and their faith became contrary to the Quran, and I am screaming and I call O people of Islam scholars I lift this great Quran on the top of my spear – an Arabic saying means I am holding something as my guide - and I am calling you to dialogue with reason and logic through this forum, and if you find that I am following clear error; then save me and tell me what Allah revealed in this Quran until I understand, and do not despise me or say you have linguistic errors, I admit that you are better than me in linguistics and in the rules of Arabic language, and that you recite the Quran better than me, and that is all the knowledge you shall reach for, but I invite you to recite the Quran not to pass on the words of the Quran unnoticed, and not to read what we do not understand, and then memorize the Quran and do not understand what we memorize, that is like a donkey carrying books, while he does not understand what he carries on his back, and this is not my suggestion, but it is Allah’s command to you to do so, be not of those who Allah described as:
    {Do they not contemplate the Quran, or are there locks on the hearts? (24) Indeed those who turned their backs after the guidance had become clear to them, it was Satan who had seduced them, and he had given them [far-flung] hopes. (25)}
    Almighty Allah [Mohammed]

    O people of The Muslims, between the those Hadiths of Fitna is the one that tells how the Antichrist cut a man in half and then passes between the two halves and then bring him back from death to life afterwards, so come and look at this incident does the Qur'an confirm or deny. And the Almighty said:
    {And falsehood will not create nor restore (49)} Almighty Allah [Saba’]

    And this is only one proof from the Quran denying this incident, and I do not think this verse needs interpretation, because its meaning is same as at reads, Allah is the one who creates and restores, and if the falsehood can restore the soul after it leaves the body, then Allah would not have challenged the people of falsehood of the infidels to restore the spirit if it reaches the throat and the Almighty said:
    {Are these words you take lightly? (81) And make your denial of it your vocation? (82) So when it reaches the throat [of the dying person], (83) and at that moment you are looking on [at his bedside] (84) —and We are nearer to him than you are, though you do not perceive— (85) then why do you not restore it, if you are not subject (86) bring it back, if you are truthful (87)}
    Almighty Allah [Al Waqi’a]

    And the Jews and the Antichrist lied about restoring the soul after it leaves the body, resurrecting the dead is one of the truthful signs revealed by Allah in the Quran, so how can the antichrist bring you a sign revealed by Allah in the book even though the antichrist claims divinity? Didn’t Allah say they cannot bring one true sing of the signs of the verses of the Quran, even if they all of the devils of Jinn and Mankind help and support each other to bring something like this Quran? They will not even be able to create a fly even if they all gather to do so O people of Islam, isn’t raining one of the true signs of the verses in this Quran? And almighty said:
    {Have you considered the water that you drink? (68) Is it you who bring it down from the rain cloud, or is it we who bring [it] down? (69) If we wish we can make it bitter. Then why do you not give thanks? (70) ( }
    Almighty Allah [Al Waqi’a]

    Then how come the antichrist will bring down the rain while he claims Divinity? Isn’t this verse reveled in the Quran that Allah made the argument upon us? O Muslims isn’t the grow of the trees a sign revealed by Allah in the Quran? And almighty said:
    {Have you considered what you sow? (63) Is it you who make it grow, or are we the grower? (64) If we wish, we turn it into chaff, whereat you are left stunned [saying to yourselves,] (65) ‘Indeed we have suffered loss! (66) No, we are deprived!’ (67)}
    Almighty Allah [Al Waqi’a]

    And you would say that because you threw your seeds to the land and it went for nothing, and did not grow a thing, then how can the antichrist say to the land “grow!” and then the land bring forth vegetation immediately and become a green paradise even though he claims divinity? How can he bring the signs of the book and make it actually true? But you gave him the kingdom of the skies and the earth, has he helped the Allah in the creation of the skies and the earth and owned a right in them so you obey him? But the Quran is challenging by this matter. And almighty said:
    {Say, ‘Invoke those whom you claim [to be gods] besides Allah! They do not control [even] an atom’s weight in the heavens or the earth, nor do they have any share in [either of] them, nor is any of them His helper.’ (22)}
    Almighty Allah [ Saba : 22 ]

    This is the creation of Allah so show me what those below him created O Muslims, you have been misled by Jews away from the Quran, and you follow Hadiths of the falsehood that what Allah never revealed in the Quran, and now nothing is left of the Quran except its drawing between your hands, alas, they were able to misguide you away from the clear solid verses as we listed some of them and did not mention but some small amount of them, and the Quran is the Judge between me and you, and clears up who is guided to the truth between us and who is following clear error, and I do not say all Muslims are following falsehood, but some of them are guided to the truth and those who will say to me: “you told the truth” , and I did not bring anything from my side, and who disbelieved me he has disbelieved the Quran, and the Quran is the message to every human being, so whoever between you O young people of the nation of Islam objects to this speech, he should bring the proof from the Quran, but to say “someone said and the other one said” (Imam is referring to those who’ll bring him stories from Hadith Tellers *Translator) to refute the Quran, he has disbelieved the Quran, and the question you asked about is now answered. And the peace upon the messengers and Praise be to Allah.

    Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Yamani...

    ll --نشهدُ أن لا إله إلا الله ونشهدُ أن محمد رسول الله ونشهدُ أن الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد خليفة الله في الأرض سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير--ll

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